WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS BITCH??? Hillary Clinton: Everybody gets a 401K plan!

a simpler thing would be to simply reduce every person’s tax burden by $1000 per year and let us do what we want with our own money, instead of giving it to the gov’t so that they can create some bureacracy to give it back to us. These items are all intended to pull the middle-class into the “entitlement” mind-set, in preparation for further expansion down the road.Ummm… I think that IS cash for anyone who votes for her!!!…just wait till they roll out the clause that includes the dead illegal convicts… after all, isn’t that the majority voting base of the dems???. BTW: Someone needs to tell Hillary that everyone already has a 401k Plan. Its called Social Security; and if Washington would let it be privatized it would mirror 401k’s and be a hell of a lot more valuable. Ohh well, anyway, I am not certain which I am more amazed at, Hillary being so brazen as to think she can actually pander her way into the White House or the voters who believe she will actually make good on all her pandering promises.
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