Sports stars get paid millions of dollars a year to perform on the field and serve as role models to America's youth. Young children go to sporting events to see their favorite players and meanwhile their parents dish out a substantial amount to make this happen. Within the last day, former MLB star Jose Offerman lost his cool while playing in a minor league game and hit both the catcher and pitcher with his bat, fracturing the pitchers wrist. Are these the kind of people we want our children looking up to? Why are athletes like these who have a disregard for a civil society and who cannot control their anger considered role models? Why are people who work hard for a living, are model citizens and show respect overlooked? The answer is simple. we look up to people who have money regardless of how they earned it. People need to realize that we are all equal and no person regardless of how much money he/she makes or how they dress is better than a regular hard working individual.
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